Category: Keselamatan Asas
Hits: 646

Scammers target people of all backgrounds, age and income levels. Through these scams, consumer could lose their money savings account.

Consumers need to be careful not to disclose their pin numbers. If you receive call from any bank verify who the person is before handing over any personal details.

Depending on the bank, the security question asked would be at most, 4 last digits of your identification number but your bank will not ask you to authorize anything by entering your pin into the telephone.


We advise the consumers not to share your ATM card pin number to anyone. If your card does not get returned to you once it has been put into the machine, immediately contact your card issuer to cancel your card whilst you are still at or near the machine. Ensure you have your issuer’s 24 hour contact number in your mobile phone or purse.

These days, scams are going on rampant. Consumer need to avoid this situation from happening to themselves. Check your monthly statements regularly, including low value transactions and notify your bank immediately if you suspect any irregularities in your account statement.

If you use the cash deposit / withdrawal machine, keep in your dispose of the statements or slips which contain your card details carefully and securely.

Nirmala Komandai
National Conaumer Complaint Centre (NCCC)