Category: Kewangan
Hits: 612

Some 56% of respondents also feel that their household's financial situation has worsened.


KUALA LUMPUR: Cost of living is the single biggest concern for those aged between 21 and 30, a survey has shown.


The survey, titled “Public Opinion Survey: Youth Perception on the Economy, Leadership and Current Issues”, showed that of the 604 polled, 56% felt that their household’s financial situation had worsened.



Some 65% of those polled felt it was difficult to enter the job market, a whopping 86% felt that the average wage was low, and 42% did not feel secure in their current employment.


“It impacts their view of the ruling coalition’s performance.


“This unease explains their adverse views towards their entry into the job market, wages and security of employment,” the survey results showed.


The results of the survey were released at a public forum last night.


The survey also found that while 73% of those polled were employed in the field of their choice, and 75% in the occupation of their choice, 55% said they could not obtain any other employment.


Of the 604 surveyed, 75% were worried about their own finances.


Of the 56% who felt that their household’s financial situation had worsened, a majority were Malays (58%), followed by the Chinese (55%) and Indians (44%).


Many Indians found it difficult to enter the job market (74%), followed by the Malays (70%) and Chinese (45%).


Of the 86% who said the average wage was low, 98% of Indians agreed, followed by the Malays (85%) and Chinese (84%).


The survey, a joint project between Watan, a youth voter registration NGO, and Merdeka Center, was carried out between Aug 3 and 8.


It involved 604 respondents, aged between 21 and 30, across all states and parliamentary constituencies in Peninsular Malaysia.





Source : Free Malaysia Today (20 September 2017) Wednesday